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Since 1988, Royal Communications International has been supplying communications equipment designed for the military, professional, and amateur market. We specialize in the sales and service of Barrett High Frequency, Single Sideband transceivers that are dependable and easy to use.  We also support and repair Micom HF/SSB equipment.

Barrett HF transceiver on USCG small boat

Communications equipment that works when you need it!

Barrett 4050 Mobile

Barrett 4050 en una configuración de montaje en maletero, transceptor de 125 vatios.  Instale el transceptor en el maletero y el cabezal de control en la cabina.

Barrett PRC-4090 Manpack

El transceptor PRC-4090 proporciona correo electrónico seguro, transferencia de datos y conectividad telefónica dentro de una red HF y hacia el exterior a redes telefónicas e Internet internacionales.

Barrett HF Base Station

Estaciones base desde 125 vatios, hasta 4KW.  instalación versátil con opciones para control remoto y control local


RCA e IWCE anuncian al ganador del premio al joven profesional 2021

El Radio Club of America, junto con la IWCE, anunció los ganadores del Premio a los Jóvenes Profesionales 2021 durante la IWCE 2021.  Las cuatro personas seleccionadas trabajan todas en tecnología inalámbrica, tienen menos de 35 años y fueron reconocidas por "ejecutar algunas de las ideas más innovadoras de nuestra industria, mostrando creatividad e iniciativa".

RCA and IWCE Announce 2021 Young Professional Award Recipient
Maggie Lynch

Each year, IWCE introduces the next generation of leaders in communications technology. The annual RCA and IWCE Young Professionals Award showcases the future leaders of the communications technology industry. Maggie Lynch was the recipient of the 2021 Young Professionals Award announced during IWCE 2021.  The individuals selected all work in wireless, are under the age of 35 and were recognized for “executing some of our industry’s most innovative ideas, showing creativity and initiative.”

Maggie has been CEO of Royal Communications International, Inc., since 2013, and is the majority owner of this woman owned small business. Royal Communications International, Inc. is a worldwide supplier of communications equipment, Maggie specializes in HF communication systems. 

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